Finally a pop culture game where winners are determined by not what they know, but how they show it. Each turn, you get to choose to act, draw, hum, sculpt or use letter cubes to help your team to guess the clue. Each is assigned points based on difficulty. Would you rather draw a "Mullet" for one point or go for the big points and act it out for four? Or sculpt a "Chia Pet" out of clay or hum the jingle? The first team to earn 21 points, wins. Available at Wal-Mart, Toys "R" Us and other independent toy retailers, $39.99.


Blik's wall graphics are a line of self-adhesive,
removable decals that can be used to create your own cool custom wallscapes. Prices start at about $21 to $36 for the Heads and Organic designs. Available at Home Depot and online at
Is your allowance or part-time job just not cutting it money-wise? 202 Ways to Make Big Bucks and Stop Mooching Off Your Parents gives, yes, 202, ideas on businesses you can start today from snow shoveling services to web site design. There are also important tips on how to be safe while still having fun as a budding Donald Tru $19.95 at bookstores across Canada.
It probably took you a month to realize you have way too much crammed in your school bag. Targus' multipurpose backpacks feature tons of space plus water resistant bottoms, hidden rain covers plus insulation compartments for food and drinks. Prices range from $59.99-$99.99. Available at and at leading retailers including Best Buy and Future Shop.