aries march 21-april 20
Challenges on the work front add laser intensity to the scenario. Fortunately, you like life on the edge. But you feel like you've been cast in a supporting role early on, which adds an element of frustration. Keep a low profile and your nose clean. Your big break and the recognition you seek are due around the 16th. By month's end, you're thinking about playing more than one love scene. Around the 25th is best for heading out to a hot vacation location.

taurus april 21-may 21
People around you are gossipy and small-minded as the month begins. But you easily rise above such petty stuff. In fact, around the 8th, especially, you may be catapulted into at least 15 minutes of glory. You'll be called upon to put all your cards on the table with an associate around the 16th. You don't like face-offs, but this is one time you shouldn't avoid any issues. July's saving grace: the romance potential is high. Just try a little tenderness, your specialty.

gemini may 22-june 21
Your financial situation is a little like the weather: wait a minute and it changes. Hang on to your hat! The winds of change now blow your way, especially on the 11th and 16th. Just remember to stash some away for a rainy day. Career pressure, deadlines, there's nothing you can't handle this month. You breeze right along, finding time to meet with friends. The 23rd is prime time for romance. Someone new looks to be just your style, and this person returns the compliment.

cancer june 22-july 22
The spotlight shines squarely on you, the stage is set. But someone forgot to give you the right script. Have faith; you have more talent and ability than you know. Improvised scenes will play out nicely, especially around the 18th. You may also have to travel for business. Your charisma is high, giving you star power. Use it to further your most cherished aims. The focus on earnings reaches obsession by end of month. Fortunately, no one can fault how you manage your affairs.

leo july 23-aug 23
All the action, it seems, is going on behind the scenes - and you're left out of the plot. The sense of being overlooked begins to ease after the 15th, when some small opportunities come your way. It'll soon be your time to shine again; use the time to orchestrate solid new plans for advancement. After the 23rd, you're in your element. Creative projects get unexpected assistance from unlikely sources. And a soaring romance is just icing on the birthday cake.

virgo aug 24-sept 23
You often feel like the ultimate stand-in for life's big film shoot. Next month, you get a chance to see what being the star means. You've no doubt earned it with past hard work, so set the stage now. Money is the root of any disputes with friends around 

Sandra Bullock - Leo,
born July 26, 1964,
Arlington, VA

Leo is the sign of the diva. Yet Sandra has a girl-next-door genuineness that alone makes her unique in Hollywood. Her chart shows someone who grew up in the shadow of an opera star mother. She was a painfully shy child. Labelled an ugly duckling, she was teased mercilessly by classmates. Sandra rose above it all, and developed the most positive Leo qualities: a generous heart and genuine kindness. She shines with a warmth that seems to carry through to her professional life. With both Venus and Mars in light-and-airy Gemini, this actress can really cut a rug. These planets also give her a sense of humor and flair for comedy. She shows no signs of slowing down after her most recent pairing with Hugh Grant in Two Weeks Notice. Comedy will always be her forte, but look for her to explore more weighty and dramatic roles by early next year.
the 10th. There may be stormy scenes, but the results will be durable once the dust settles. You're supremely romantic around the 17th, a fact that surprises you. Indulge yourself now and come down to earth later.

libra sept 24-oct 23
Everyone else takes off on vacation. You seem to be left holding the fort. Practice those take-charge skills. Mars getting in on the action means lots of cranky people in your vicinity. Fortunately, you're ever the diplomat, especially around the 1st, 16th and 30th. But after the 13th, you will get a lot of help from your friends and welcome relief from grittier concerns. Around the 23rd a star-studded social calendar provides ample A-list shmoozing opportunities.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
It's rare for you to reveal your hidden romantic side. But your heart is boldly emblazoned on your sleeve early this month. Letting others see your vulnerable side, though, works strangely in your favor around the 13th. Your intuition is working overtime all month. Go with what feels right; and you'll back many winners now. A major expansion scheme seems stalled, which deflates your expectations. A return to optimism and accomplishment is due soon.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
You're ready to sign a new deal, but your agent won't get back to you. A frustrating situation, yes, but try to be patient. This is the seed time in which future big changes are planted. If you're looking for a diversion, romance would be a happy one from the 14th to 17th. You might even encounter a soul mate. Another fave pastime, travel, gets a green light after the 27th. Full speed ahead, but exercise caution. There just might be an unforeseen roadblock.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
A go-getter on the career front, you prefer the status quo when it comes to close ties. But sometimes enough is enough. The 5th looks best to re-negotiate living arrangements. If you decide to recast the role of life co-star, the 15th looks optimal. Focus on gaining comfort and depth, and you'll see all in a new light by month's end. Achieving an important goal consumes you after the 23rd. A lull at month's end helps you set new strategies, especially
regarding finances.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
Enjoy the lazy, hazy days of summer. You're somehow out of the loop at work, yet somehow you don't mind. Bide your time, and your day will come. Meanwhile, you help others achieve their goals, especially around the 6th. Around the 16th, your do-good side is triggered, possibly through a large humanitarian project. A close relationship takes a new track late in the month. Hassles over the small stuff vanish and mostly it's fun, fun, fun - which suits you fine.

pisces feb 19-march 20
Saturn helps light up a new path marked love and security. Is it a Yellow Brick Road, or just another dead end? You'll never know unless you take the first step. You may get a pebble or two in your shoe early in the month, but after the 16th the way lies smoother. It's not enough to have a great idea on the 25th. You'll have to pipe up and express your know-how. The same goes with your feelings towards a new admirer. Only this time, speak your heart.

                                                       Susan Kelly