t's tough being a former child star. As a youngster, Dickie Roberts (David Spade) was on top of the world. He had his own TV series - the number one show on the air. But fame was fleeting. By age 11, he was all washed up. Now 35-years-old, Dickie is floundering and desperate for a
comeback. He can't stand the thought of taking on another past-their-prime, ex-celebrity boxing match to make a

  When his agent scores him an audition with a first-rate movie director, Dickie is disappointed the filmmaker feels he doesn't have the right youthful exuberance for the lead
role. And no wonder. After years in the spotlight, leading a lavish lifestyle, he never experienced a normal childhood.

  To try to find out what it's like to be an average kid, Dickie decides he needs to recapture his lost youth with the help of a foster family.

  Spade explained to Extra, "I rent a family and hire them to raise me as a five year old so I can have the childhood
I never had." The actor says some of the ideas in the script
David Spade
Alyssa Milano
Craig Bierko
Mary McCormack
Jenna Boyd
Danny Bonaduce

Sam Weisman

Los Angeles

David Spade created a "We Are the World" type spoof for one scene, gathering together dozens of former child stars for a nostalgic, where-are-they-now
musical number.

are autobiographical. "It's about a kid that used to be cute and now he's a loser. Kind of like me in real life."

  By hanging out with the two kids in the family, Dickie learns about school bullies, family feuds and how to share. It's a rough road, but he tackles it in his quest to win back the public affection he craves.

  Television news programs hear about his bizarre scheme, and jump on the
human interest story. Suddenly, Dickie is famous again.

  The comedy is executive produced by Adam Sandler's company, Happy Madison Productions (The Hot Chick, Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo) and directed by Sam Weisman (The Out of Towners and George of the Jungle). Spade co-wrote the screenplay with Fred Wolf (they also teamed on the script for Joe Dirt).

  Spade brought in a series of former child stars to help his character deal with the rejection he's faced as an adult. His love interest, Cyndi, is played
by Alyssa Milano (Who's the Boss). Others along for the ride include Danny Bonaduce (The Partridge Family), Barry Williams (The Brady Bunch) and Dustin Diamond (Saved By the Bell).

  With the help of his ex-child star pals and his surrogate family, Dickie hopes to go from spoiled L.A. brat to man of depth and character. No one knows if he can do it.

- Elaine Loring