aries march 21-april 20
You feel written out of the big picture. No matter how hard you try, no one seems to be impressed with your efforts, especially around the 5th. Best bide your time for now and tend to the small stuff. Fortunately, love is in the air around the 15th. You may decide to cast a new romantic lead and communication is favored. After mid-month, all eyes are upon you. Offering to take on more responsibility, especially on the 28th, will paint you in the best light.

taurus april 21-may 21
Your mind is clear, your purpose sure. You want to re-write the scenario of your life more to your liking. Put these thoughts down on paper. Though you can't fulfill them all instantly, it will help clarify your goals. Mid-month, you're more than ready for a big love scene or two. But your intended has you cast as a harmless flirt. It will take some effort to prove you're serious. After the 25th, the action centers around home base. You'll entertain more and may redecorate.

gemini may 22-june 21
This is usually back-to-the-grind month. Yet you feel like you're just puttering around, wasting time. Don't fight it; hit the links, try a wardrobe or hairstyle change, whatever you enjoy. Doing so puts you ahead when you re-enter the rat race in earnest after the 27th. Meanwhile, there's strong accent on ties that bind. You'll find the bosom of your family more comforting than constraining. This doesn't mean you can't expand your horizons. Sign up for a new course or travel package.

cancer june 22-july 22
Your favorite things come into focus: home and those near and dear. You're busy helping
a younger person adjust to a new school around the 7th. You know just the right words of encouragement. Mid-month, a hobby or pastime
shows promise of becoming a cash cow. For now, just explore the new options it opens up. After the 23rd, you're in a mood to play hooky. Put aside your shyness and get out and meet new people. One new acquaintance proves be a true kindred spirit.

leo july 23-aug 23
It's lights, camera - but where's the action? Get ready to clear up a recurring financial snafu before you can go ahead. Co-operation is hard to come by, especially on the 5th. But your best buds come through for you by mid-month. One offers some very wise financial advice that gets you out of a pinch. You've reached the end of your rope with someone close. By the 28th, though, you're ready to pull together. There may be talk of exploring a more committed direction.

virgo aug 24-sept 23
Money matters now - perhaps more than it should. Obsessing about a cash shortfall is counter-productive. Someone from the past makes an interesting offer around the 5th. Meanwhile, there's romance to take your mind off things. Life is downright sweet as you revel in some simple pleasures. But walk 

Cameron Diaz - Virgo, born 
August 30, 1972, 
San Diego, CA

A successful international model since she was 16, Cameron could easily have coasted on her striking good looks alone. Or, she could have let herself be pigeonholed in fluffy fare after her comedic triumph in There's Something About Mary (1998). True, she still radiates the divine innocence of her sign. But don't confuse her with the airhead she plays in Charlie's Angels I and II. In true Virgo style, this actress is discriminating. She's known for picking films carefully, alternating between artistic indies like Being John Malkovich with public-pleasing mainstream hits. Virgos tend to be driven, often workaholic, types. She should cut back a bit this year and continue to look after her health. If she does, she'll be in fine form to take on more dramatic roles with more big-name directors as she did with Martin Scorsese for Gangs of New York.
away if you sense any manipulation. You play unofficial career counsellor after
the 26th. Your common sense solutions prove just the thing for a confused associate.

libra sept 24-oct 23
Summer's end, the doldrums set in. Enjoy the temporary state; you need a breather, anyway. The bread you earlier cast upon romantic waters comes in at full tide. Someone who was previously a friend could switch to romantic lead. If the affair looks too complicated, though, walk away. Dramatic revelations are on hand around the 22nd. You usually try to sidestep power struggles, but this one may be unavoidable. Look after your own best interests.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
Ambitions stalled? Don't get mired over a minor setback. Bide your time and plan your big comeback later this fall. Although you don't believe in luck, some of the good kind will come along and boost your spirits mid-month. It's also an optimum time for travel and enjoying life. Later, you're ready to star in your own true-life romance.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
The rumor mills work overtime, churning things up on the work front. You'll hear lots of sob stories and gossip - neither of which interest you. Still, you manage to create some buzz about a pet project of yours. Mid-month an office dalliance looks appealing. Don't add to the fire. Anyway, you have an active social life to sustain you, and plenty of opportunities to begin a new romance if eligible. Live and let live at the end of the month. You can't see eye to eye with others, so just let it go.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
The yoke of responsibility falls upon you. You may have to take on some of your mate's burdens. As usual, you don't complain and easily take up the load. Meeting your own needs is more the issue after mid-month. The pace quickens considerably, and you may invest in some new computer equipment to keep up. After the 23rd, your talents are needed on the work front. Entertaining someone from out of town? Your charm makes them feel right at home.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
Why, oh why, must summer end? You long to drift away from the workaday world, dreaming of ideal scenarios. Trust your hunches, especially in financial matters. Long-term career stress eases after the 10th. Call a halt and re-write the script to your liking. Best times to assert yourself: 9-15th. After that, Venus shines your house of distant affairs. On-line relationships take on a charmed quality. One such dalliance could turn into something more tangible and near.

pisces feb 19-march 20
Star quality: you've got it in spades this month. Right on cue, you're given the perfect social situations in which to shine. You're able to charm just about anyone all month. Mid-month, more intimate encounters appeal, complete with hearts and flowers. This is one of those rare times when real closeness seems an obtainable goal. A career break around the 23rd proves dreams really can come true. Just remember to check all the fine print when negotiating new contracts.

                                                       Susan Kelly