Tribute talks to actor Johnny Knoxville about being one of the newcomers in Men In Black 2.

B.L. I was wondering how you felt when you first read the script for Men In Black 2, you knew you'd be part of a big blockbuster, but you were going to play a two-headed alien! How did you feel about that?
J.K. I didn't even read the script. I was, like, "I'll do it Mr. Sonnenfeld". He was, like, "Johnny read the script". I just said, I'll do it. Then when I saw that I had to play two heads... It took a little bit, but we finally got it down, it was tough.

B.L. Did you ever go home a little schitzy?
J.K. I showed up that way, are you kidding? I had to get less schitzo to be able to do the part. Luckily I have multiple personalities to pick from, so I picked two of the best, or worst!

B.L. Explain the process, because having to do the dialogue for two heads must have been a bit confusing for you!
J.K. We would shoot the scene with the larger head one day, and then about a week or two later we would blue screen the small head. I stood in front of a blue screen and then they later enhanced it by using computer graphics. I don't know, I'm kind of new to this business.

B.L. Yes, this was something new for you. How exciting was it for you to do this kind of work?
J.K. It was good and I was very excited. I usually start off with about four or five vodka cranberries in the morning just to calm down. By the time we shot, I was just loaded! Just gassed. Actually I'm drunk right now, but it helps calm my nerves.

B.L. Oh, you don't have to be nervous of me, I'm Canadian.
J.K. Well that makes me feel much better.

B.L. What was the atmosphere like on this set? Here you are working with Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and Lara Flynn Boyle, you must have been pinching yourself a lot!
J.K. Mr. Sonnenfeld keeps a really light set, he was always cracking jokes. It could have been really nerve wracking, but the set that he keeps makes things a lot of fun.

B.L. What kinds of things does he do to make it more comfortable, especially for someone who is new on the set?
J.K. I don't know exactly; even the way that he gives direction. He's like, "That was great Johnny, but let's try it again and how about this time you be funny!"

B.L. How did you like working with Will Smith? Is he really as nice as everyone says?
J.K. You hear from everyone in the business that he is so nice, but literally he WAS so nice. I just commented one day that I hadn't seen the Ali/Frazier fights, and the next day his assistant hands me the first two Ali/Frazier fights on tape. He is just a really basic nice guy.

B.L. Plus you have a lot of scenes with Lara Flynn Boyle, who is very sexy in the movie. How did you get through not fainting every time you saw her?
J.K. Well, I did faint, you saw the movie! But, she ain't exactly ugly if you get my drift. She was a blast to work with. Most of my scenes were with her and the days that she wasn't there, I was kind of sitting around. I missed her on the days that she didn't come in to work."

B.L. You are a big TV star in the United States with your MTV series Jackass. Did you ever think in your wildest dreams that it would take off? Being Canadian, we don't get the show on our basic cable stations.
J.K. Oh, that means you're lucky!

B.L. Did you ever think, doing crazy things to yourself on TV was going to turn into a cult hit? It's MTV's highest rated show, except now The Osbourne's are giving you a run for your money.
J.K. You know we were just making skating videos trying to make ourselves laugh. So for it to become a hit was really unexpected. Actually, Paramount has helped us make Jackass — the movie.

B.L. Wow, ninety minutes of Jackass! What is this world coming too?
J.K. (laughing) Yes, it's a real naughty version of the TV show.

B.L. So, what can we expect? I hear that you went to Japan to shoot some stuff?
J.K. We went to Japan, Mexico, all over the United States; we did some stuff in England. Just one bad idea after another. Full-grown men naked, usually touching each other. Just another day on the set of Jackass, that's what you can expect.

B.L. Any big guest stars?
J.K. Actually there are, but I don't want to give them away. You Canadians will just have to come and see the movie!