oolproof: Something so well thought out that failure is thought to be impossible.

  This is the premise for the action feature starring Ryan Reynolds as Kevin, one of three friends who plot robberies for kicks. Kevin and his pals, Samantha (Kristin Booth) and Rob (Joris Jarsky) live for "Foolproof," their own private club where through high-tech, meticulously thought out and executed plans, they pull off the most impossible of heists - all in theory of course!

  All is going well until a thug named Leo Gratton
discovers the trio's latest plan for a diamond heist. He rips off their scheme and uses it to successfully execute the robbery. Threatening to implicate them with their own plans, Leo blackmails the friends into doing a massive heist for real, and soon their game becomes more than just a theory.

  Vancouver native Reynolds is pumped to talk about his latest film, which he calls one of the best moves of his career. "Mainly I took the role because I was extremely interested in working with the writer/director Bill Phillips who knew exactly what he wanted," says Reynolds during a recent phone conversation from his hometown, where he is preparing for his upcoming role as a vampire hunter in Blade 3 opposite Wesley Snipes.

  It also offered him the chance to do something different than he's done before. "I loved the fact that the character could in moments be light and funny, but at the same time he has a deep-seated, darker side that I could explore."

  The idea for Foolproof came to Phillips in the mid 1990s when a news item about a group who had been caught, charged and convicted for planning to steal a Brinks armored truck, came to his attention. He wondered at what point someone is a criminal, if that person hasn't actually committed a crime? Once the script was written and sold, it was only a matter of casting. In his mind there was no one better than Ryan Reynolds. "If you look at Reynolds' work, he brings those moments out of the material," says Phillips. "He has a dry, intelligent sense of humor, not dissimilar from his character, Kevin."

  Becoming a master at pulling off foolproof heists took some preparation for the actor. "My character suffers from hubris in a sense that he's dragging his friends down a path that they may never come back from because he wants to see if he can pull this thing off. So, for the role I learned to do a lot of fun stuff. I wanted to make him as believable as possible so I actually learned how to pick locks. I don't think I could get through your standard Medco lock, but I can pick a simple lock with a pin."
  In addition to getting into a criminal mind, Reynolds has plenty of action to contend with and insisted on doing all of his own stunts including rappelling up and down elevator shafts, jumping across wires and slamming into walls. "Let's put it this way," Reynolds says dryly, "there was copious amounts of testicular trauma caused by harnesses, and I've got a patent on that coined phrase by the way."

  Reynolds has had his share of success over the last few years. From his stint as one of the stars of the hit comedy TV series Two Guys, A Girl and A Pizza Place, the 26-year old actor moved on to films, and struck gold when he landed the lead in the National Lampoon comedy, Van Wilder. He's gone on to star alongside Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks in this year's comedy, The In-Laws and now has another three features coming out over the course of the next year.

  He is particularly feeling the pressure right now as he begins working on Blade 3. "As much as I have worked over the last few years, I've been fortunate enough not to be too scared of that huge machine of Hollywood until now. Doing this new character, Hannibal King is a little bit daunting. It was written with me in mind and I really have to kick butt and train hard. However, it's all about facing new challenges and rising up to it and that's kind of what I am ready for right now."

  In addition to Blade 3, Reynolds will also be seen in the comedy Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Waiting with Jay Mohr which he starts shooting in February and School of Life with David Paymer.

  On a personal note, he is still together with singer Alanis Morissette. The couple has been dating for close to two years and Reynolds says he couldn't be happier. "I love her very much. Sure there are challenges, but we prioritize each other. The number one priority is our relationship and everything else that falls in place behind that is wonderful."

  He works hard at whatever opportunities come his way, and even though he realizes he has been blessed with great parts living in Los Angeles, this Vancouver native has strong feelings about the country he calls home. "I remember having a talk with my agent a few years ago and I asked him, 'There are so many great Canadian movies, why aren't I being asked to be in any? Do they hate me up there or something?," Reynolds says with a chuckle.

  "I just never understood why I never got to hear about them. The feedback I got was that a lot of people just never thought that I would be interested, and all I could think was that's the dumbest thing that I ever heard in my life. I would give the last remaining marrow in my body to do some Canadian film because it's so great. We have some of the greatest filmmakers on the planet and so when Foolproof came my way and I read it, there was absolutely no hesitation that this was one role I was not going to pass up."

  The actor admits working on Foolproof was in every way one of the most gratifying experiences he's had so far as an actor. "I have to say I've never gotten along so well with the cast and crew as I did on this movie. I could have done it forever. I recently got the chance to see the rough cut of the film and I was truly impressed. I don't always blow my own horn but this is one heck of a movie that people will be impressed with when they see it."

- Bonnie Laufer-Krebs