aries march 21-april 20
Your real-life co-stars have trouble following your script. Expect some drama, even storming off the set, around the 6th. You can ease the situation considerably just by allowing other people more input. Unexpected things show up in your voice or e-mail box most of the month. Just go with the information flow until the 15th. After that, it's easier to tell which tips to follow up on. Take an autumn break late in the month. With fewer deadlines and harsh realities, life takes on a nice soft focus.

taurus april 21-may 21
Your mind is clear, your purpose sure. You want to re-write the scenario of your life more to your liking. Put these thoughts down on paper. Though you can't fulfill them all instantly, it will help clarify your goals. Mid-month, you're more than ready for a big love scene or two. But your intended has you cast as a harmless flirt. It will take some effort to prove you're serious. After the 25th, the action centers around home base. You'll entertain more and may redecorate.

gemini may 22-june 21
You have an overwhelming desire to get out of town before sunset. The most likely lure: romance, intrigue and adventure. If the scenario fails to gel early on, don't fret. From the 12th on, you embark on one of the most delightfully upbeat periods of the year. You're more reflective after mid-month. Some of your thoughts take on an almost mystical quality. By the 27th, though, you're ready to blaze new trails on the career front. Expect delays until the 30th, after which encouraging progress is made.

cancer june 22-july 22
You're cast as the Shrinking Violet, and it doesn't bother you a bit. You're happiest as a homebody, and play the role with relish. Invest in some new party duds, though. Trends after the 15th favor fun and frolic, with romantic overtones for good measure. Intimacy and shared space become prime issues around the 18th. It's time to set firm boundaries with someone close. Sharing of your time and wisdom with young people is favored on the 25th. It's also a time to show your creative side.

leo july 23-aug 23
This is one month where friendships are your safest harbors. Close friends rally to your cause, and you impress new acquaintances. Most understand you with little explanation on your part. Mid-month, trends take on a romantic note, and you like the tune. But on the job others enjoy rattling you, especially around the 14th. Play it cool, trust your instincts and plant your flag where it can be clearly seen. Just be sure to keep off others' territory around the 27th. Stay on home turf and make some improvements.

virgo aug 24-sept 23
This is a month for something you're not afraid of: hard work. Not to worry, your close relationships are sure and sustaining, at least until 

Hugh Jackman - Libra, born 
October 12, 1968,
Sydney, Australia

Libra men are renowned for their movie-idol good looks and mega-charm. They also do graceful elegance well, as witnessed in Hugh's courtly way with a cravat opposite Meg Ryan in Kate & Leopold. Yet this multi-talented hunk from Down Under is so, so much more than beefcake. Next year he'll exploit his smouldering intensity in the upcoming Van Helsing, portraying a vampire hunter. His dark, brooding-yet-quirky qualities are indicted by planets in sexy Scorpio. It also makes him an intense romantic, unashamed to state he feels his wife of seven years, actress
and director Deborra-Lee Furness, is his soul mate. The year ahead looks to be ultra-creative for Hugh, who will have to make some tough decisions. There are plenty more projects coming his way on and off the big screen.
mid-month. Your best strategy is to get the job done, but leave time to socialize as well. A family member offers financial encouragement around the 17th. Your  steps are sure now, especially those aimed at gaining  greater security. It's becoming an attainable goal, but will come from an unlikely source. Seek intellectual or cultural stimulation around the 25th.

libra sept 24-oct 23
This is your time of year! Your energy is high, and you're able to move forward with several projects at once. Meanwhile your love life is strong and sustaining from the 15th on. The 20th, especially, is a time when you and your partner are on the same wavelength. But expect to get a few wires crossed with just about everyone around the 22nd. The financial sub-plot takes unexpected twists. You're shown first one, then another happy ending. Most tantalizing offers will prove so much pie in the sky around the 25th.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
Ambitions stalled? Don't get mired over a minor setback. Bide your time and plan your big comeback later this fall. Although you don't believe in luck, some of the good kind will come along and boost your spirits mid-month. It's also an optimum time for travel and enjoying life. Later, you're ready to star in your own true-life romance.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
Your star has been rising steadily. Why does it suddenly feel like you're on the list for every casting call? Get out and mingle, especially around the 7th. Just remain aloof from backbiting and gossip. Meanwhile, everything's coming up roses with romance, especially after the 15th. A rapport that was once platonic turns into something more. This person has talented, challenging friends, so enjoy. Around the 27th a once-harsh financial reality suddenly lightens considerably.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
Setting new goals is high on the agenda. You're fired up, ready to scale new heights. Many roads lead to your goal, so don't be afraid to try a side path or two. Enjoy social activities and fun around the 15th. But resist a flirtation that you know isn't getting you anywhere. Late in the month you get a burst of creative energy. Most of your efforts will center around the home front, with intriguing sub-plots between you and a key player. The dialogue is sparked with romantic tension.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
You're known for erratic behavior. For once, a partner tops your act. Don't indulge in one-upmanship, lest things get out of control. Something's gotta give - and will - by the 14th. A more congenial, even charmed, period is due after that. Someone's out to pamper you, so let it happen. Meanwhile, you sign some important documents after the 22nd, and then, a sense of sanity returns. A brilliant idea is rock-solid and promises solid gains. Follow up on it.

pisces feb 19-march 20
It's all about who you know now. Having the right personal connections gets you the right advice - and at the right time. Follow your instincts about what is true. The urge to travel is overwhelming after the 9th. Your destination will most likely take you far afield to someplace exotic. A dream you have around mid-month will prove uncannily accurate. Use it to help decipher someone's real motive in a tricky situation. You're full of creative solutions after the 20th and score points at work.

                                                       Susan Kelly