
Bonzaïon Movie Poster
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In theatres:
  • May 20, 2005
Running time: 1h 27m
Genre: Thriller

Olivier's girlfriend is kidnapped and the ransom is $60,000. To raise the money, the young man asks his longtime friend Claude, who runs an erotic massage parlor, for help. With the cooperation of three exotic dancers, they decide to steal a marijuana plantation.

What Oliver doesn't know is that the plantation belongs to his father, who, not knowing that one of the thieves is his son, sends his accomplices to bring the two men down.

Director: Danny Gilmore, Clermont Jolicoeur
Studio: Locomotion distribution
Producer(s): Danny Gilmore, Jacynthe René, Clermont Jolicoeur
Cast: Clermont Jolicoeur, Danny Gilmore, Jacynthe René, Jean Leclerc, Luc Proulx, Tanya Kontoyanni
Writer(s): Clermont Jolicoeur, David Gilmore
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