Dog set up by son

By Alexandra Heilbron on November 2, 2007 | 15 Comments

Duane “Dog” ChapmanTurns out that Duane “Dog” Chapman was set up by his son, Tucker, who taped their conversation and received a hefty payment when he turned it over to the National Enquirer. On the tape, Chapman uses the “n” word several times in a calm voice. It appears as if he’s trying to explain his use of the word to his son, in response to an earlier usage of the word that Tucker’s girlfriend, Monique, who is black, overheard. A&E has suspended production of Chapman’s show, Dog the Bounty Hunter, while an investigation is pending. Chapman has apologized for his use of the word, explaining that it was taken completely out of context. Rev. Tim Story, the African American minister who married Chapman and his wife has come forward in his defence.  

Comments & Discussion

  1. LadyoftheLAKE • November 2, 2007 @ 11:58 AM

    NOW think about it for one second ….

    HIS OWN KID tapes his father using a word most young black men SAY daily already?… HMMM
    Now Dog has a show PENDING…

    YUP the National Enquirer strikes again… WAY TO GO !!

    I mean really they print stories that have been scrapped off the bottem of some shoe… which could have anything on it.

    One wrong word and the world tosses out all the good things you have done in it.

    Be real !!! this is not even NEWS !!

  2. Penny Moulden • November 2, 2007 @ 12:21 PM

    How chidish and greedy of his son

  3. Nancy • November 2, 2007 @ 1:14 PM

    I agree Penny. I watch his show all the time, and Dog is constantly praising his children and saying how important family is to him. And yes, black people say that word all the time, but as soon as a white person says it…..all hell breaks loose!! My children would not even know that word had they not heard African American people saying it on tv!!! So if they don’t like it, then maybe they shouldn’t keep it going!

  4. Mike • November 2, 2007 @ 7:01 PM

    His son probably did that because his girlfriend is black, heard his dad wrong, and wanted to get him back for it thinking his dad meant wrong to his girlfriend.

  5. Anonymous • November 2, 2007 @ 10:40 PM

    Are there no real heroes left in the world???

  6. Bill Reddick • November 3, 2007 @ 3:37 PM

    People, just because a African american speaks using the N word, does not give anyone else the right to use it. Personally I belive that it should be banned from all forms of music and movie. This word is still being used mainly because blacks will not stop using this word. Most black entertainers can’t get by without using it and us as consumers should not purchase anything where this is used ie movies or music.

  7. Nancy • November 3, 2007 @ 11:04 PM

    Well, now that sounds like racism towards white people then!! If black people can say it to each other, and they like hearing it from each other, then the only difference is the fact that it is being said by a ‘white’ person!! Am I right?? Also, you say “Just because an African American speaks using the ‘N’ word, does not give anyone else the right to use it.” — Why?? Is it trademarked??? I don’t think so!! Last I heard, we lived in a free country, with freedom of speech. Like I said, if African American people do not want white people to say the ‘N’ word to them, then maybe they should not use the ‘N’ word about themselves either!!

  8. Norman St. Savage • November 4, 2007 @ 2:15 AM

    I just wish someone would make Dog’s wife dress better.

  9. Evelyn • November 4, 2007 @ 6:24 AM

    It’s about time this show is so over the top, thanks A&E , and lets have some quality shows.

  10. Mike • November 4, 2007 @ 10:08 AM

    I wonder is Oparh will have him on her show now?

    I the word is WRONG in all aspects of being used, no matter who is the one using it.

  11. Anon • November 4, 2007 @ 5:08 PM

    Who cares? So he used the N word arguing with his son. He probably said it out of anger. I’ve said some pretty shitty things to my husband, I don’t mean it and it definately isn’t my opinion of him. I don’t think Dog is a judgemental guy considering his own past. Look at his wife; walking around with mini skirts and tight tanks, God I just shudder thinking about it! Maybe his son’s gal pal is a skank, and he used the N word. If she was white, would the world go nuts if he called her redneck, trailer trash. I mean, those are words reserved for us whities isn’t it? Shame on the son, not on Dog.

  12. Nancy • November 5, 2007 @ 1:46 AM

    Yeah, we’re ‘crackers’ too! Ha ha!

  13. Anonymous • November 5, 2007 @ 12:30 PM

    It’s time CSI was canceled.

  14. Anonymous • November 5, 2007 @ 1:44 PM

    It��s time CSI was canceled.


  15. Nancy • November 6, 2007 @ 6:22 PM

    I had a vision….there were people wearing white robes and pointy hoods over their heads!!!!

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