Ghostbusters star Harold Ramis dies

Harold Ramis, who co-wrote and starred in Ghostbusters, died at 12:53 a.m. this morning from complications relating to autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis, a rare disease that involves swelling of the blood vessels. He was 69. He struggled with the disease for four years prior to his death. Ramis also played roles in movies such as Stripes (1981), Ghostbusters II (1989), As Good as it Gets (1997), Knocked Up (2007) and Year One (2009), co-writing and also directing the latter. As well, he co-wrote, directed and played a role in the perennial favorite Groundhog Day (1993) starring Bill Murray, for which he won a BAFTA Award for Best Original Screenplay. In 2001 Ramis earned a Screenwriting Hall of Fame Award from the American Screenwriters Association. He is survived his wife Erica, sons Julian and Daniel, daughter Violet and two grandchildren.