Passchendaele scores 6 Genie nods" /> Passchendaele scores 6 Genie nods" /> Passchendaele scores 6 Genie nods - Passchendaele scores 6 Genie nods" />

Passchendaele scores 6 Genie nods

By Alexandra Heilbron on February 11, 2009 | Leave a Comment

PasschendaeleThe Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television announced the nominations for the 29th annual Genie Awards yesterday. null, directed, written by and starring Paul Gross, received six nominations. The $20-million film made more money at the Canadian box office than any other 2008 release, earning $4.5 million, which is a good return for an independent film. It received nods for Best Picture and Best Actor, but not Best Director. Earning the most nominations was Ce qu’il faut pour vivre, a Quebec film with eight nods. Nominated for Best Picture are Amal, Ce qu’il faut pour vivre, Normal, Passchendaele and Tout est Parfait. Gross goes up against Rupinder Nagra (Amal), Christopher Plummer (Emotional Arithmetic), Aaron Poole (This Beautiful City) and Natar Ungalaaq (Ce qu’il faut pour vivre) for Best Actor, while his former Due South co-star, Callum Keith Rennie competes for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Normal. Isabelle Blais (Borderline), Ellen Burstyn (The Stone Angel), Marianne Fortier (Maman est chez le coiffeur), Susan Sarandon (Emotional Arithmetic) and Preity Zinta (Heaven on Earth) compete for Best Actress. The 2009 Genie Awards will be held Saturday, April 4th at the Canada Aviation Museum in Ottawa, Ontario and will be aired on the Global network.

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