« previous While George Lucas’ original Star Wars film remains a tightly edited and largely streamlined affair, there is one sequence to the film that feels largely out of place. The scene is Luke’s reunion with his friend Biggs Darklighter at the Rebel base on Yavin. What makes it so jarring is that audiences are introduced to […] next »

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977) – Luke meets Biggs at Tosche Station

While George Lucas' original Star Wars film remains a tightly edited and largely streamlined affair, there is one sequence to the film that feels largely out of place. The scene is Luke's reunion with his friend Biggs Darklighter at the Rebel base on Yavin. What makes it so jarring is that audiences are introduced to a new character that is supposed to be one of Luke's closest friends back on Tatooine, but it comes at you so fast that it doesn't sit right. Had his first scene been left in the theatrical cut, that would have remedied the situation and given his later death more meaning.

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