« previous With the new series Cobra Kai being so well-received, fans should do themselves a favor and go back to the original 1984 film. John G. Avildsen of Rocky fame delivered yet another memorable underdog tale, this time following Ralph Macchio’s Daniel, a New Jersey-born teenager transported to southern California when his mom finds a new […] next »

The Karate Kid (1984)

With the new series Cobra Kai being so well-received, fans should do themselves a favor and go back to the original 1984 film. John G. Avildsen of Rocky fame delivered yet another memorable underdog tale, this time following Ralph Macchio’s Daniel, a New Jersey-born teenager transported to southern California when his mom finds a new job there. Looking for acceptance and self-respect, he is taken under the wing of his Japanese landlord Mr. Miyagi (in an Oscar-nominated performance by Pat Morita), to learn karate.

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