« previous When Frozen first begins, audiences are led to believe Prince Hans is going to be the main love interest. He’s handsome, royal and he and Princess Anna get along perfectly. But as viewers know, he is actually a villain in disguise. Instead of being obvious with his motives, he manipulates Princess Anna and uses her […] next »

Prince Hans – Frozen

When Frozen first begins, audiences are led to believe Prince Hans is going to be the main love interest. He's handsome, royal and he and Princess Anna get along perfectly. But as viewers know, he is actually a villain in disguise. Instead of being obvious with his motives, he manipulates Princess Anna and uses her to steal both the throne and kingdom. This would usually make a great villain, but there isn't enough time given to develop Hans from the seemingly sweet prince to someone willing to kill for the throne. This quick change in personality just makes him completely unlikeable and not worthy of being a true Disney villain.

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