« previous Winner of the Best Picture Academy Award, Parasite opened in limited release in North America on October 11, 2019. It remained in theaters over the coming months, and experienced heightened interest when it earned six Academy Award nominations on Jan. 13, 2020, though it never opened wide and only made it into the top five […] next »


Winner of the Best Picture Academy Award, Parasite opened in limited release in North America on October 11, 2019. It remained in theaters over the coming months, and experienced heightened interest when it earned six Academy Award nominations on Jan. 13, 2020, though it never opened wide and only made it into the top five at the box office from Feb. 10 to 13, 2020. Parasite earned a domestic total of $30,736,060, although its total worldwide take was over $258 million. Not bad for a foreign language film made on a budget of $11.4 million. Not to mention, it has a 99 percent fresh rating at the critic review site, rottentomatoes.com.

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