Robert Downey Jr. welcomes baby boy

By Tribute on February 8, 2012 | 8 Comments

Robert Downey Jr. and his wife Susan are the proud new parents of a baby boy. Exton Elias Downey — another addition for the book of odd celebrity baby names — was born at 7:24 this morning in Los Angeles, weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs., 5 oz. This is their first child together, the second for Downey Jr. who is father to 18-year-old Indio, his son from a previous marriage. When the couple announced the pregnancy in the summer, the actor spilled the beans about the sex of the baby, despite his wife’s wishes to keep it quiet. When people tried to find out what they’d picked for a name, he was careful about keeping his mouth shut. “If I told you the name, then she would lop off my head with a machete,” he joked. Downey Jr. can next be seen starring alongside Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, and Chris Evans in the superhero action flick, The Avengers, which hits theaters May 4.

Comments & Discussion

  1. S • February 8, 2012 @ 12:22 PM

    why can’t celebrities just give their kids normal names for a change

  2. Nobody Important • February 8, 2012 @ 12:45 PM

    Exton? This kid’s going to have great life.

  3. Pamela in Calgary, AB • February 8, 2012 @ 12:46 PM

    Well, I guess RDJ won’t be dumping his wife to come seduce me now…that silly baby has disrupted ALL of my evil plans!! MMMWWWWAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA!!

  4. C-Dub • February 8, 2012 @ 7:52 PM

    Congrats for Downey. Now that he’s on top of the world professionally and personally, I hope there are no relapses.

  5. Olive • February 8, 2012 @ 11:48 PM

    Congrats RDJ, hopefully there is no more Wonder WOman incidents in the future. And seriously celebs, GIVE YOUR KIDS NORMAL NAMES!

  6. TheTruth • February 9, 2012 @ 11:46 AM

    LMFAOROF Pamela, you Madame hath made my day!

  7. Wendy • February 9, 2012 @ 3:19 PM

    Across the pond this name would not seem odd at all. Congrats RDJ….you’ve done well since turning your life around….Many blessings to you and yours.

  8. Tracy • February 10, 2012 @ 5:42 AM

    Exton isn’t so bad. heck some names that are used regularly are weirder than that!

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