Robert Pattinson crushing on Joe Jonas’ girlfriend

By Alexandra Heilbron on December 31, 2008 | 28 Comments

robert_camilla.jpgRobert Pattinson, 22, apparently had a serious crush on Kristen Stewart, 18, while they were filming Twilight, but a source told Life & Style magazine that Stewart doesn’t share the same feelings. That’s not surprising to anyone who’s watched Tribute’s interview with Kristen Stewart about Twilight. When asked if she thought Pattinson was “so beautiful that it’s painful to look at him,” Stewart laughed derisively, rolled her eyes and replied, “No. I can’t stroke his ego more than everyone else has.” So it seems that Pattinson has finally gotten the hint and has set his sights on the lovely and talented Camilla Belle, 22. The problem? She’s been dating Joe Jonas, 19, since appearing in the Jonas Brothers’ video, Lovebug (he dumped country singer Taylor Swift, 19, whom he was dating at the time, to be with Camilla). The source told Life & Style, “[Robert is] very attracted to her. They have a lot in common.” However, maybe Camilla should stay right where she is. While filming Twilight, Pattinson told an interviewer that he had no trouble acting out his character’s efforts to push Bella (Stewart) away in the film, because “Wanting to get someone away from you is a universal male trait. Most guys, when they really really like someone they try and push her away because they start seeing all the faults in themselves too explicitly.”

Comments & Discussion

  1. tributegirl • December 31, 2008 @ 3:29 PM

    Why all the hype over this guy? Because he plays a vampire in a movie? I’m sorry, I just don’t think he’s all that hot and don’t understand why everyone is drooling over him.

  2. Nancy • December 31, 2008 @ 3:40 PM

    He’s freaky looking! I’d LOVE to brush hot wax on those eybrows and rip them off!!! LMAO!

  3. aucourant • December 31, 2008 @ 3:41 PM

    I agree! I don’t think Pattinson is hot at all.

  4. tributegirl • December 31, 2008 @ 4:05 PM

    So then why the hype? Because of a character in a book? Yeah, those eyebrows are pretty thick, but his eyes, even his smile, I just don’t see what everyone is so excited about.

  5. Adriane • December 31, 2008 @ 6:49 PM

    He sounds really insecure. I wouldn’t want a guy who pushes me away, he’d be out of my life if he played games like that.

  6. sk8tergirl • December 31, 2008 @ 7:03 PM

    tributegirl: It’s because of the Twilight hype. The fangirls love him… well, maybe not. After he cut his hair the fangirls now have new feelings for him xD

  7. avrilroxx • December 31, 2008 @ 11:42 PM

    yeah i don’t see why everyone is so crazy about him. i mean he was also in harry potter as cedric diggory, and you didnt see people going crazy over him. it’s just because of the twilight hype

  8. tributegirl • January 1, 2009 @ 2:24 PM

    Yeah, I know it’s because of Twilight, but I just don’t get it. Yeah, he played one of the main characters, his character was somewhat romantic in a weird way, but the key word here is “character”. The actual actor though, he’s not that character, and he’s just not hot yet people are still freaking out over him. I’ve never understood why people go crazy for an actor because they love the character that actor portrayed.

  9. Mell • January 1, 2009 @ 5:09 PM

    sorry..disagree with all of you. he’s gorgeous, funny, self-deprecating and has a cute accent. it’s pretty hard to NOT crush on him although i imagine all the attention he’s getting will eventually turn him into an a**hole if it hasn’t already.

  10. Che • January 2, 2009 @ 3:24 AM

    I agree with the last comment! Robert is so gorgeous!!! Those who didn’t like him, well, it doesn’t matter to him. Haha!!! This guy has a long way to go! Very promising!!!

  11. tributegirl • January 4, 2009 @ 2:06 PM

    Gorgeous? Not in my eyes. Anyway, I’m sure that it doesn’t matter to him that I’m not turned on by him, and it also likely doesn’t matter to him that others are.

  12. inn • January 7, 2009 @ 8:05 AM

    the thing is that it`s not only about the character he played — i like him much more as a person. the things he say in the interviews show that he`s much more then just “that Twilight gorgeous hottie”. and he`s not working on looking “hot” at all. he is what he is. funny natural sincere. i just hope he`ll pass this glory-test successfully. it`s almost impossible not to go crazy being screamed at all the time )

  13. Kelieh • January 8, 2009 @ 9:54 PM

    I agree with Mell but he’s never gonna turn into an a** just cuz of the attention. in fact it gets on his nerves. he doesn’t like it.but yeah he does joke about it sometimes.he is so funny and cute. i love his personality.the only reason i wasn’t in love with him before twilight was cuz i never saw him before.otherwise i might have been saying he ruined edward but he did a great job. just cuz some people don’t see whats so special about him doesn’t mean all other people just like him cuz of twilight.i think hes soo sweet.

  14. Kelieh • January 8, 2009 @ 9:59 PM

    I agree with Mell but he’s never gonna turn into an a** just cuz of the attention. in fact it gets on his nerves. he doesn’t like it.but yeah he does joke about it sometimes.he is so funny and cute. i love his personality.the only reason i wasn’t in love with him before twilight was cuz i never saw him before.otherwise i might have been saying he ruined edward but he did a great job. just cuz some people don’t see whats so special about him doesn’t mean all other people just like him cuz of twilight.i think hes soo sweet.and inn i also completely agree with inn.he’s a really cool guy.i don’t like it when people insult him cuz he’s sweet and i want him to be happy. its their opinion if they’re not attracted to him but insults are not neccessary. AND-sorry for the super-long comment!lol!-he’s looked a lot better than that picture.but i’m more in love with his personality.

  15. Jak • January 12, 2009 @ 7:20 PM

    they deserve each other

  16. Robert • January 12, 2009 @ 7:47 PM

    i think Taylor Swift is a talented and very beautiful girl who doesn’t deserve Joe. Taylor deserves more.
    Taylor if you’re reading this, i feel for you

  17. mrs. cullen • January 21, 2009 @ 12:08 AM

    are you nuts?? rob is sooo hoot may be in this picture he looks weird but i’ve seen soooo goood pics of him that i couldn’t stop drooling he is so freakin gorgeous, sexy and he has an awesome personality too he’s just perfect —watch this pics
    still drooling :3

  18. jeanette • January 21, 2009 @ 6:13 AM

    i really love rob..if ever i will be the girl he’s going to court i will accept him with all my heart..hehehe

  19. louise • January 22, 2009 @ 7:29 PM

    i don’t like edward hanging around with camilla..she’s not beautiful..

  20. andrea • January 23, 2009 @ 8:13 AM

    Camilla looks so lame.I think Kristen doesn’t know Robert at all.He is the hottest.

  21. Morgan • January 24, 2009 @ 10:30 PM

    I think the characters in the book twilight are all wrong for the movie. Except for the dude who plays James. He looks the part. Robert was a good actor in Harry Potter. But he just doesn’t suit the role of edward cullen. Idk He just doesn’t to me. Sounds like he’s having troubles though. I should shut up now.

  22. Morgan • January 24, 2009 @ 10:33 PM

    I think the characters in the book twilight are all wrong for the movie. Except for the dude who plays James. He looks the part. Robert was a good actor in Harry Potter. But he just doesn’t suit the role of edward cullen. Idk He just doesn’t to me.

  23. michell paredes • January 31, 2009 @ 7:21 AM

    kristine stewart is much better than camilla belle,camila is a a fabulous girl,,but i think robert is for kristine and as saying camilla is maybe for joe now,,,robert just keep on staying with kristine..please,,we are all voted for the two of you,

  24. anonymus • February 1, 2009 @ 6:00 AM

    it’s ok Robert I’m still your fan!

    coz ur so gwapo eh!

  25. mina` • February 1, 2009 @ 6:42 AM

    I dont care about cammilla belle you two are not for each other! Kristen stewart is much more better for you Robert!

  26. jezza • February 3, 2009 @ 4:18 AM

    hello !!! robert pattinson is really darn HOT !!! robert forever… and hello !!! go and find yourself hottie robert of someone which is more level to your hotness…

  27. 3leena • February 6, 2009 @ 1:10 AM

    ….i agree with mrs cullens ARE YOU NUTS??
    many like him because of his features..the way he acts…so …you dont have too fuss around telling people he is not hot or whatever!!no offense!!_to tribune girl!!!if you hate him so much…why did you come to this website?find out about him??i dont get you!!many noticed that he was acting in harry potter and the goblet of fire!!TO TRIBUNE GIRL!!!-.-KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT IF YOU DONT LIKE HIM!!!DONT MINGLE WITH OTHER PEOPLES FEELINGS!!

  28. brenda • March 17, 2009 @ 10:50 PM

    robert you have a great personality, i love your smile, eyes, laugh, your axcent, and especially that dimple on your chin^-^! its so cute. you seem like such a nice guy. i heard that you said that you would go out with a fan,or regular girl. give a girl a chance. i admire you so much.

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