Hidden Figures - User Reviews

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4.74 / 5

User Rating User rating: 4.74

Based on 1306 votes and 230 reviews

  • User rating: 4.74 84.67%
  • User rating: 4.74 11.00%
  • User rating: 4.74 1.00%
  • User rating: 4.74 0.67%
  • User rating: 4.74 2.67%

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User review rating: 5 February 07, 2017

Fantastic story of the human spirit to succeed. I absolutely loved this movie. The acting was fantastic and what more can you say about the space race? Go see this movie!

User review rating: 5 February 07, 2017

Best movie I've seen in a long time.

User review rating: 5 February 06, 2017

I'm 62 now. Raised prejudice. Not proud of it. I cried during this movie at the ignorance of our ancestors and unfortunately still today for some. This was the best movie I've ever seen. I rate it a 10. No cursing, No sex, No violence. Just the heartbreaking truth. Thank you to the wonderful actors in this masterpiece. Love love the ending.

User review rating: 5 February 06, 2017

Absolutely loved this movie! Would recommend it to everyone. Hard to believe how horribly people treat one another just because of gender & race. Well acted by all.

User review rating: 5 February 05, 2017

A true classic for the ages.

User review rating: 5 February 04, 2017

Exceptional movie!!! Well deserved win for the entire cast at the SAG Awards. Should win the Oscar for Best Picture!!!

User review rating: 5 February 02, 2017

Deserves 10 stars!! The story was inspirational, timely and represents the intelligence, skill and strength black women of this caliber possesses. Tired of seeing movies that portray black women who except crappy roles as hootchie mommas, butt shaking, That is not the lifestyle of all black women. These women took on roles that demonstrate the class of my mother, first African American teacher in a all white school in Connecticut in the 60's. And the white folks loved my mom and respected her. These women were courageous, powerful and handle ugly discrimination in such a classy way. They earned their respect and should be honored in school history. The actresses were remarkable!! But at the end of the day, it shows how beautiful a team we are when color is not an issue. Those women made NASA History be what it was. Great movie going to see it again.

User review rating: 5 February 02, 2017

What a wonderful movie! A must see! Best movie I have seen in years! Refreshing to see a movie that is inspirational especially in these uncertain times. Excellent cast!! Should be shown in classrooms!

User review rating: 4 February 01, 2017

Wouldn't say amazing, but it is good. Glad these women got their story told. They we're amazing!

User review rating: 5 February 01, 2017

This should be shown in every US history class .

User review rating: 5 January 31, 2017

I loved this movie, Great acting!

User review rating: 5 January 31, 2017


User review rating: 5 January 31, 2017

Excellence in the story the people and the acting. This movie should win an academy award. Loved it!

User review rating: 5 January 31, 2017

This was a great movie and story that needed to be told.

User review rating: 5 January 31, 2017

Good acting. Good story. I know it's Hollywood and we can't say for sure it's 100% accurate, but there must be some truth to it.

User review rating: 3 January 30, 2017

Interesting, so much better than Fences or LaLa land.

User review rating: 5 January 30, 2017

I wonder why we didn't have this in our Black History class

User review rating: 5 January 29, 2017

This movie was good in every way! The whole story of the race to the moon and the issue of race in the 60's was beautifully shown with humor but truth. The cars and wardrobe,as well as these women, were beautiful! Everything about this movie was completely wonderful and appropriate for anyone to see. I loved this movie!!! I will go see it again!

User review rating: 5 January 29, 2017

Great movie intelligent and a shock to see how history is so misleading and you only learn what is white in school

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2017

I just took my sons to see this movie and I was thoroughly impressed with how they presented the life of these extraordinary African-American women. The obstacles they overcame to achieve success should be an inspiration to us all. It really hit home with me because I too had to overcome huge obstacles to achieve my dreams.

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2017

Intelligent script! True story.

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2017

Fantastic movie, inspirational and well done.

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2017

outstanding and informative!

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2017

This is a must see movie. It is important from a historical point of view. Something I sure did not know. It was shocking to see how people of colour were treated in this time period in history. The woman depicted in this show were brilliant.

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2017

Public schools never taught the fact that these ladies paid such a major part in our space program. Thankful for civil rights - ALL people should be treated equally!! This movie is a REAL eye-opener!! Excellent!!!

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2017

Top-notch acting, engaging reality that we SHOULD know about!

User review rating: 5 January 27, 2017

Wonderful movie, with an outstanding cast. The backdrop is a snapshot of the racial discrimination of the times. The 60's, to be clear not that long ago. These women faced discrimination because of their colour and their sex. A very timely movie and the fact that is based in reality a must see. And who doesn't love anything about the history of the space program!

User review rating: 4 January 26, 2017

Real life stories are most often the best.

User review rating: 5 January 26, 2017

It's interesting that the three women had different and similar racist/sexist obstacles; they were in different departments. It's always a bonus when a film captures the spirit of 'against all odds' by recapturing true lives. One can't help wonder what other inspiring truths were omitted from our public school education.

User review rating: 5 January 25, 2017

This movie was AMAZING. Bravo to the cast! I am so proud that we are finally making strides to tell our stories.

User review rating: 0 January 25, 2017

Great story! Great movie!

User review rating: 5 January 25, 2017

One of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Very inspirational. A must see. Proves you can make a movie without all the cursing

User review rating: 5 January 24, 2017

Best movie I have seen in years!

User review rating: 5 January 24, 2017

Dope....Put Some Respeck on their names.

User review rating: 5 January 24, 2017

One of the best films of the year

User review rating: 5 January 23, 2017

Opened some peoples eyes I hope as to how bad racism is in this country. This wasn't 400 yrs ago. There are many ppl who experienced this still alive today bcse they were children then. These women no matter how smart were judged as women and for being black.

User review rating: 5 January 23, 2017

This is the best movie in the past several months !!! The ONLY one I rated 5 stars in the past several years !

User review rating: 5 January 22, 2017

Loved it...sooo inspirational!!!

User review rating: 5 January 22, 2017

Great movie, informative and educational about the background history of the space program.

User review rating: 0 January 21, 2017

Great movie! Great actresses, well done!

User review rating: 5 January 20, 2017

Wonderful film!

User review rating: 4 January 20, 2017

Best movie we have seen in ages!!

User review rating: 5 January 20, 2017

First 5 stars I've given in a long time. Acting, script, direction all first rate. The true story is one of those gems you never knew about before. But should have. Movie moves right along and stays on target. Nice seeing a movie with no CG for a change! Will surprise at the Oscars.

User review rating: 5 January 19, 2017

Great Story! Well played.

User review rating: 5 January 19, 2017

Loved it! Highly recommend it!!

User review rating: 5 January 18, 2017

Outstanding! Must see!!

User review rating: 0 January 18, 2017

Loved this movie - a must see!! Wonderful how women were accepted in one respect and rejected in another.

User review rating: 5 January 17, 2017

Amazing movie, can't wait to see it again!

User review rating: 0 January 17, 2017

Good historical true story to see on the big screen. A must see.

User review rating: 4 January 16, 2017

Great story-amazingly true!! powerful women portraying powerful women in a time when being black and a woman was a double strike against them. Taraji was fantastic and moving!!

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