Spider-Man 3 - User Reviews

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3.07 / 5

User Rating User rating: 3.07

Based on 9820 votes and 398 reviews

  • User rating: 3.07 33.10%
  • User rating: 3.07 8.26%
  • User rating: 3.07 19.03%
  • User rating: 3.07 11.76%
  • User rating: 3.07 27.85%

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User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

this is hands down the worst movie ever made. this makes weekend at bernies 2 look like the godfather. there is no excuse for this script being approved other than the fact that the studio knew people are going to go regardless of the quality of the film. sorry movie, this does not deserve to be called a film. Worthless acting, terrible casting, horrible writing, and just about the worst cinemetography ever. do not waste your time or money.

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

my god, so intense!

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007


User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

i thought it was good great graphics acting was ok james did a great job with his character i think that some people were a little to hard on this movie i t was worth watching my girl friend who does not like these kind of movies liked it so i say it was worth the watch

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

So dissapointed, nothing else to say!

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

This is not a spiderman movie like superman returns its a romance with slite superhero senes that dont follow the comic book at all i have love spiderman for years and this is the worst thing ever. everything seamed tacked on from the bad acting, tomany villans, bad romance, and horrible special effects. topher grace cant act it was watching eric forman with spikey hair and an ear pearcing. and adding gwen stacy this late in the story lines is shows just bad taste. i want sony not only give me my 20 dollers back i want them to bend time and space and give back my hour and a half before i walked out of this horrid movie. just bad ps stick wemon are not hot eat a sandwich

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

Not that great ... Action was good but you need more ... The part of the movie where he strolls down the street is stupid - it was like "Saturday Night Fever" meets "The Mask" ... i rolled my eyes ...

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

It was horrible.

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

Was amazing and if you watch it intently, you'll actually catch a true meaning of humanitly and the fine line between black and white. I was proud to discuss the meanings and action of this movie with my two young boys. Watch it, you'll love it or my boys will beat you up! JJ (except for the watch it part)

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2007

I told you. We should watch "next". What a predictable story line.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

I thought it was good. I cant say im to disappointed but there were a couple of cheesy scenes. Also for some reason maybe because I watch that 70's show but I couldn't take topher grace serious.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Everyone who says that this movie sucked does not understand the depth and emotion relative to spider man. I mean, if you guys want an action movie, go watch a Tony Jaa film or something like that, these movies DO have to have a story you know, hence the emotional and background building scenes!

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

It was just.... How do I say this... Not a good movie. Good rental maybe. A couple of really good action spots but other than that just boring, dragged on for way to long. I sorry for all the die hard spiderman fans WHAT A LET DOWN!

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

complete disaster

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

By far the worst of the three. I love spiderman and I kind of think that number 3 ruined the trilogy they totally turned peter parker Emo! All the eyeliner and make AND the hairs. was sick. The audience LAUGHED at the sad parts. Seriously, thats bad. And who knows what was with the whole singing dancing routine in the middle? I am embarassed for the producers. But I'm not going to say the entire movie was horrible. The was good parts of course Like the whole plot was really good. I actually loved the story line. And i am a fan of romance so I quite liked that. Just the acting was bad. Terrible actually. BUT WAY TOO CORNY

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Guess,we shouldn't be listening to all those critics and negative reviews!Spidey 3 was AWESOME! The CGI for Sandman blew our heads off - it made the comic book version COME ALIVE! A lotta people were saying Toby was all EMO and crying every other scene.Or Kirsten was a drag.Or they wanted more action.Or too long.What the fudge were they talkin' about? Were you watching the same movie? We liked it so much-we're seeing it again TONIGHT! Yeah-and again on the giant IMAX screen,but with more food this time,LOL! We all felt like kids again but all agreed it wasn't long enough especially for VENOM's fight scenes with webhead! But,Sandman was REALLY AWESOME! I had the same reaction when i

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

The worst of the trilogy. Story was poorly written, not enough character development and screen time for all the villians. Part 1 and 2 worked because Sam Raimi focused on one villian instead of 3. The dance sequence wasn't needed and there wasn't enough real emotion involved, to much fake crying and not enough relation. Sam Raimi should have focused on either Sandman or Venom instead of trying to work them both into this picture, if they saved Venom for part 4 or Sandman it would have worked much better. They need to hire a new director/cast and crew to keep things fresh. 2/5.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

i dont know wht u people r saying its following the comic book i give it 5 stars

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

I really like the movie it was great had some new charactors which makes it more interesting i hope they make a 4th

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Spiderman is Emo so, he cries! sandman cries, venom cries, green goblin cries, aunt may cries, Mary Jane cries. Everyone cries. If you want to see a crying flick, go and see this one. Even better, go and watch a bunch of Emo kids talking about how much they hate their lives. Just as entertaining as this movie!

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Think Spiderman meets Bridges of Madison County meets Beaches meets any other cry-fest... Wait for DVD.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

people who r saying spiderman is bad because of the whole love story dont know any thing about spiderman. all 3 movies have a love story behind them and its about a kid and his life they try to make the movie relate to people as much as possible exsept for they fact we dont have super powers. in the end i think the movie was amazing and there were alot of sick action parts.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

I'm a big KD admirer...and I still think it sucked. Spiderman = Action movie..."The Notebook" = Love story. Stick with the genre...and thank god, I hope they don't make another re-tread of #3.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

I found the movie dragged in places and didn't have the same fast passed thrill as the first two installments. Kind of a disappointment!

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

everyone who sais its bad is just jealous.just watch it and youll like it

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

the best of all can't wait for Spiderman 4,

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Loved it. A lil disapointed about the ending, it was kinda boring... other than that I enjoyed it.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Well SM3 was well.....a major disappointment, everything was rushed,too many villains,and too little Spider-man. The movie wasn't awful, but what i was the most disappointed was Venom, He was only in the last 20 min of the movie and wasn't really developed too much, it really felt that he was put in there solely for money. If they put venom in there people will come no matter how bad he was done. They should have gave venom his own movie.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Terrible drivel! Wrong actor for Venom! Bad acting by the rest save Sandman! Secret identities don't exist anymore as everyone knows everyone! The romance lines look like they were written by George Lucas! And that's baaaaaad...

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Amazing!!!!I loved this spideran film! Great way to end a trilogy! Sandman effects were awsome and Venom was great. Still think Tobey is sooo funny when he cries! 5 STARS!!!!!

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007


User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

I thought this movie was the best of the 3. My only negative feedback is the bad acting in a couple scenes. This was by far the funniest of the movies so far. I think the bad reviews are from setting expectations too high.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Worst super-hero movie yet!!! Just a love story instead of an action film... Cry baby movie... I want my admission back!!!

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

this was a great movie everyone who reads this i have to say shut up and stop saying it was horrible or whatever cause it was amazing so shut up.the movie was great and i loved it .

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

OKay, I thought this was darn good. Like seriously he cant be expected to make it perfect, and besidees it showed all it needed to show, it showed all the points and they actually all tied up together, so what if he piut SOME COMEDY IN IT! it was soo fuding good. I thought he did amazing. and you cant always expect the best. toby maguire cried weird yeah sure but it was funny and made you laugh and love the movie. it made me think how cute he is. and what about James FRANNNCO. Harry? wasnt he amazing like seriously way to HOt for me. the movie was everything. and it was good. and also venom was fantastic, and sandman had detiermenation i mean spidy cant always expect to have the worst bad g

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

enjoyed it, was a bit long probably becasue they went more with a story then action. great Graphics.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

This movie was ok not great, it has good special effects and great looking action, but lousy acting, the only decent acting was by Topher Grace, and Thomas Hayden Church. The little ones(kids) liked it, I guess it's mainly for kids, especially when Peter Parker got that black suit soon after his head/ego was really inflated, and that was a really cheesey part. ut it seems like this story is over(it should be), Don't go to this movie if you're expecting oscar performances, it certainly is not an actors movie.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

few too many coincidences to not say "gimme a break" but it is a comic book movie and had all the ingredients to keep you entertained

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

It was horrible. Corny and ridiculous at times not even close in comparison to the first or second movies.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

once again hollywood takes something good and makes it into crap. they did it with lethal weapon, indiana jones, mission impossible and the list goes on and on. i wish people would boycot bad movies so hollywood would get the message.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

I thought it was a great movie, possibly the best of the trilogy, but all three movies have been great. I don't know why so many are upset, sure it wasn't perfect but which movie is? in my opinion the imperfections in this movie are minor details...

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

It was brilliant, the music, action and the visual effects.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Was such a waste of time and money...i love spider man but this movie was so horrible...apart from the few action scenes the rest was a drag..they should have just focused on the action and and less drama...

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

Did anyone notice the flaw in the last 20 minutes of the movie....at one point Spiderman has no mask and then half of a torn up one. This mistake for this kind of movie is inexcusable.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007

I think this is hte best of the three. A tad on the cheesy side, but over all the action was great. If this was the last spidey I beleive they tied up all the loose ends. The length was fine, and the introduction of all the new characters wasn't as bad as people are making it out to be

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2007


User review rating: 0 May 06, 2007

No character development, predictable ending, a weak storyline.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2007


User review rating: 0 May 06, 2007

Boring Boring Boring...people were leaving early, my girlfriend was counting how many people were in the theatre and braiding her hair. Huge huge disappointment.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2007

I think spider-man 3 was a fanastic movie. It was the best of the three sequel. If you did not go see it yet, i suggest you go see it now. This movie is very good and i give it five stars.

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