Signs - User Reviews

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4.33 / 5

User Rating User rating: 4.33

Based on 11794 votes and 230 reviews

  • User rating: 4.33 72.33%
  • User rating: 4.33 12.31%
  • User rating: 4.33 1.86%
  • User rating: 4.33 3.46%
  • User rating: 4.33 10.03%

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Showing 1 to 50 of 230

User review rating: 1 August 13, 2021

Terrible movie! Completely absurd, not to mention unscientific. Shyamalaman should take a science class. He should also stop appearing in his own films, because he can't act to save his life. To motivate Mel Gibson, Shyamalaman instructed his lead actor to imagine the aliens as jews. Gibson is a rabid antisemite, but at least he doesn't have that ridiculous mullet anymore.

User review rating: 0 October 15, 2006

Signs is one of the better M. Night films. Something about it I found clever somehow. But the reason I even saw it was because of Joaquin Phoenix, but I liked it. But because M. Night is a writer/director his films can be a bit out there. So some people might find it stupid.

User review rating: 0 September 17, 2005

A great film! In contrast to the other movies M.Night had created, this has to be the most deep and emotional one so far. Great use of suspense and once again James Newton Howard comes up with great music.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2005

Signs contains it all . Phoenix, tension, surprises etc. IT ALL:

User review rating: 0 May 12, 2005

I loved this movie. It is the best movie M. Night has ever made. The fist time I waiched it all I could say was wow. Now when I watch it all I can say is wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. M. Night`s greats achivement yet.

User review rating: 0 February 05, 2005

This movie was so predictable. Boring is the only word to describe it!

User review rating: 0 December 09, 2004

Night does it again, although this was more of a sci-fi than fantasy, there was still fantasy elements as well as humor, drama and a strong message about the power of prayer and faith.

User review rating: 0 January 31, 2004

I loved this movie ALOT, the comedy relief was like the best ever in movie history. Also it scared me too, AWESOME scary scenes. The cast could not have been better. All i got to say is that it`s very funny, ESPECAILLY ENTERTAINING and it`s very spooky and it seemed soooooooooooooo real. DIFFENETLY one of my favorite movies.

User review rating: 0 August 16, 2003

Joaquin Phoenix was SUPER!!i just love him!!his is a great acctor!!Bye

User review rating: 0 July 31, 2003

so good,i really liked it.

User review rating: 0 July 05, 2003

It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time i was watching it! It was and excellent movie and I would like to the cast and crew for taking their time to making such an excellent movie!

User review rating: 0 April 20, 2003

Although this film was very over-estimated, it was still entertaining to watch. Good cast, well-crafted suspence, and interesting twists, help this unique film out. Worth watching, if you are prepared to answer the questions it throws in your lap.

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2003

Signs was extremly scary and I could not keep still in my seat. I kept closing my eyes in the pantry part. Bo was so cute though. Foil caps? Whoa!! Who thought of that idea? M.Night Shyamalan was in the movie too. He also directed it. Way to go Mel,Joaquin,Rory,Abigail and Shyamalan. Luv ya. Tamsin

User review rating: 0 January 24, 2003

I found it suspenseful to a point. The ending sucked big time I was very let down

User review rating: 0 January 18, 2003

Well, I will someday love to see this movie, but, unfortunately, the movie is not available in all Zellers`s store in Canada. How ever, I will have to rent the movie first to enjoy it. I know I will.

User review rating: 0 January 17, 2003

Amazing movie that mess with your mind on so many levels!

User review rating: 0 January 13, 2003

Amazing director, all his movies take subjects common to everyone and turns it into something more. Tells a realistic story of an unrealistic situation... or is it?

User review rating: 0 January 12, 2003

It was good, but I expected it to be scarier.. At least iI didn`t waste my money though.. but Id rate this movie 3 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 January 10, 2003

good movie. those of you who say it was bad and that aliens should have shown up more are wrong. the worst fear is the one you don`t see

User review rating: 0 January 09, 2003


User review rating: 0 January 05, 2003

It was as suspencefull, as the Prince of Darkness.The story was a well told.

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2003

Stephen King like

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2003

i think it was a great film. i loved the funny parts.

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2002


User review rating: 0 December 16, 2002

it was cool!

User review rating: 0 December 11, 2002

Well... I thought that the movie was ver good... it made you think... but I didn`t like how everything tied together at the end involving God... what if your`re not religious?... if not for that... I like it...

User review rating: 0 December 08, 2002


User review rating: 0 November 28, 2002

I thought this movie wasn`t too bad, it kept me at the edge of my seat at the beginning & I found the dinner scene (before they barricade themselves in the basement) to be particularly touching. But once you get a glimpse of those `aliens`, the movie just gets a bit silly. Great effort from M. Night Shymalan though, & look forward to his other directorial attempts.

User review rating: 0 November 25, 2002

I think it was a very scary movie I am still scared the first time I saw it was september 20 2002

User review rating: 0 November 13, 2002

Signs had good suspense in the movie, but the suspense was rapped around a crappy plot. Good if you want to sit on the edge of your seat, but not if you want a good plot. The movie was all about regaining his faith, and did it in an extremely poor way.

User review rating: 0 November 12, 2002

A slow-paced but thoughtful thriller, with fine acting all around. The movie takes it time developing, and requires some pondering afterwards. It`s the kind of film that will frustrate those who want immediate return for their entertainment dollar, but will reap huge rewards for those who take the time for thoughtful reflection afterward. The title says it all, as the film is rplete with types and metaphors.Ultimately a very satisfying movie that requires a little work.

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2002

i think it is grat

User review rating: 0 October 28, 2002

The only redeeming part of this movie is watching Mel Gibson playing a straight-laced former Minister. This movie tried so hard, it had the suspense but then changed it`s mind and went for the let`s-go-get-`em crap ending. Disappointing, could`ve been more but ran outta time.

User review rating: 0 October 19, 2002

I think that this movie was great the suspense was killing me when Mel was in the pantry and also when they were watching t.v. and then they showed the mexican party. it was funny when mel had a near death experience and he comes home only to find his bro (pheonix) wearing a foil cap****

User review rating: 0 October 14, 2002

I was surprised, it was such a great movie. Never have I heard so many people scream so many times in a movie theatre.

User review rating: 0 October 11, 2002

An awesome movie! It scared the crap out of me, lol. A great thiller with a pretty good plot line. I would definately recommend seeing this movie!

User review rating: 0 October 06, 2002

I saw this at a drive-in at 12:00am. It was an o.k movie, not the best i`ve seen from Mel Gibson. They should have added A LOT more to the main storyline. That would have made it better.

User review rating: 0 October 04, 2002


User review rating: 0 September 29, 2002

Incredible suspense. It also makes you think twice about your views toward religion and the after life. However the ending was a bit silly. Interesting to watch none the less!

User review rating: 0 September 24, 2002

good movie eh

User review rating: 0 September 23, 2002

LOVED IT...until the alien made his screen debut. The suspense, wonder, and fright of not knowing exactly what was out there was pure Shyamalan. Actually seeing the alien made a terrific movie cheesy, and brought my rating down to 4 stars from 5. Shyamalan should have known better.

User review rating: 0 September 21, 2002

the best movie i`ve ever seen

User review rating: 0 September 21, 2002

it was scary, but you made it sumthing out of nuthin... stil luved it...

User review rating: 0 September 20, 2002

Absolutely Amazing .......... Shyamalan does it again!!!

User review rating: 0 September 20, 2002

there was no suspense and wasnt scary at all

User review rating: 0 September 20, 2002

I thought this was the best movie of the summer. It had twists and turns that no one ever expected. The best part about Signs is that it wasn`t a copy cat of his previous works. 4.9/5 stars definately.

User review rating: 0 September 20, 2002

Signs was the cornball of suspence, horror and sci-fi films. To pay 12.50$ to watch signs is a collalsal waste of time. The theme of the film is Aliens, obvioulsy but to only actually see the alien in a scarey action scene once in the whole film is very disapointing. I rate it the lowest rating of all -10, it sucked!!!!

User review rating: 0 September 19, 2002

I thought it was great some sneaky scary moments. Best performance by Mel Gibson in quite some time. 4 stars.

User review rating: 0 September 18, 2002

I recken` your movie was wicked By Revaire

User review rating: 0 September 17, 2002

I loved it!! Very suspenseful and definitely kept me on the edge of my seat!

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